Where will ‘Deaf is Me’ be?
Here is the title I would have preferred to use for this article: “W(h)ither lies the Deaf community”, which is the clever title of T.Johnston’s research (*1). Take away the “h” from whither (an old word for where is it) and we have “wither” – to fade away and die....
Deaf Is Me Filming Workshop
We're a great group of deaf young people so do come along to help us plan our programme!
Happy New Year from DEX
DEX Perience wishes you all in 2020 - a year of love, hope and achievement. It's the beginning of a new decade as well as year....there is still so much to do: for example, DEX advocates for deaf children placed in mainstream schools without deaf peers. The barriers...
Join DEX
Anyone who is deaf and living in or near Yorkshire, would like to join DEX - There lots of various activities - workshop, trips, activities and etc. once a month on Saturday, want to know more information? Contact us... or look up the poster. Hope see you there and...
Deaf is Me Script Writing and Filming Workshop
Calling all budding deaf film makers aged 18 to 30 years to a workshop on how to write a script for films. John Smith, deaf comedian, will show us how to do it.....! Free and lunch provided. On 2 November in Leeds.