Hashtag Where's The Interpreter Campaign
#WHERESTHEINTERPRETER campaign has been gaining some real momentum over the past couple of months, I have been posting regular reminders and posters onto social media platforms to ensure we don’t get forgotten about!
The next major thing on the horizon is the government’s plan to hold daily briefings again, starting in October, at the moment there is no information regarding if they are planning to provide a ‘live on platform BSL interpreter‘ for these…… Here’s where you come in…!
It would be great if your organisation/charity could write to Boris Johnson to request that an interpreter be available for ALL briefings, if you could include why this is so vital to the Deaf community it could really help. The more letters the government receives regarding our lack of access the harder it will become for them to ignore us!
It doesn’t have to be too lengthy or time consuming, but an impactful letter outlining lack of access & barriers to communication & its damaging effects could be really beneficial.
On another note, I have some exciting news to share and an advertising opportunity! #WTI are planning to do a fundraising event to help promote the campaign further and to bring the community together even more…..!
Taking inspiration and invaluable support from 2 Deaf Foot, we are planning to walk from Cardiff to No 10 Downing Street in October! This route has been chosen as we can start in Cardiff and commend the Welsh government on their excellent access for the Deaf community to their COVID briefings, then walk a route to London with designated stops along the way where we can get together with the deaf community. Personally, I’m both scared and excited in equal measure! We will be joined along the way by a variety of supporters too . Once in London we are planning to have a letter hand delivered to No 10. We are extremely delighted that we will have a representative from an historic campaign which was established back in the 1980’s to co deliver this letter along with a young deaf activist, names to be announced very soon!!!!
To promote the walk and to boost the fundraising we have some T-Shirts advertising the event, here’s where the advertising opportunity comes in!
We are selling advertising space on the back of the T-shirts, this is an excellent way of promoting your services and the support you have been giving the campaign!
If you would like to sponsor the event with the name & LOGO of your charity/company and your website address it will be £95 + VAT.
Or, your company name and website (minus your logo) will be £55+VAT. This is a fantastic advertising opportunity that will go a long way to help raise vital funds for the campaign.
If you would like to sponsor the T-shirts please fill in the below table and return to me with a quality image of your logo if you choose Option A.
Option A – please include a high quality image of your logo.
Logo, company/charity name and website £95+VAT
Option B
Company/charity name and website £55
We are on a very tight schedule to get the T-shirts printed prior to the upcoming daily briefings in October, therefore could you kindly respond by 4pm 14.09.2020.
Take care
Lynn Stewart-Taylor