Deaf children in mainstream schools often are fearful and anxious about attending school, because of feelings of inadequacy with school work, or of being left out in the classroom or during break times.
Being bullied as well as being marginalised, can exacerbate feelings and make deaf children even more afraid, withdrawn or angry. Deaf mainstreamed children are vulnerable to bullying, since they are often not part of significant friendship groups and also because of deafness, not able to handle peer pressure. It is vitally important not to ignore any signs of bullying during the school day, outside the school or in taxis.
DEX has delivered successful training and planning to support schools and services in dealing with this problem
- training deaf children how to deal with bullying, and in understanding their needs
- training hearing pupils (some of whom have been bullied, or are themselves bullies
- training staff on how to handle bullying
- supporting heads of departments and schools in developing anti-bullying policy and practice.
We have received glowing testimonials on our anti-bullying work.
Please Contact Us for more information.