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c/o Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People, St Mary’s St, Leeds LS9 7DP
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Frequently asked questions.
How do I book a place at an event?
Fill out the contact us box and someone will be in touch with you ASAP.
Does it matter if I don't sign?
Not at all, every young deaf person is welcome at our events. There are always BSL interpreters there to help everyone to chat and make friends!
What if I can't afford to travel to events?
We can refund reasonable travel expenses. Make sure you bring tickets/ receipts with you to the event.
What if I'm not confident in travelling alone?
Our staff team can help you to plan your journey and can arrange to meet you at a train or bus station. Just let us know before the day if you need help!
I don't know any BSL but I would like to learn. Can you help?
Yes! We have a free weekly BSL club. Contact us to find out more.