We use the principles of Best Value as a tool to monitor and evaluate services.
We have developed methods set down by the government. This allows us to develop a good practice strategy in deaf mainstream education.
By conducting a Best Value Review we led the way forward for local authorities and health services.
In line with best value, all councils have to review their services and activities, to make sure improvements happen. The whole process is subject to audit and inspection. DEX wants local authorities to be accountable to deaf people in the way deaf children are educated.
DEX has the support of the Audit Commission and the Local Government Association (IDeA) in identifying seven performance standards which we use to measure good practice.
These standards are based on UK legislation, international guidelines and deaf children’s needs:
- All deaf children to access Sign/English bilingualism service provision
- Access a significant deaf peer group and deaf culture
- All deaf children to have same education as hearing peers and access to hearing children and staff
- All deaf children to have a positive deaf identity
- Deaf children to have access to leisure, recreation and cultural activities in education
- Deaf children to be protected from abuse of rights
- Establishment and sustainability of a Sign/English bilingual service for all deaf children
Public authorities must involve users of deaf education, as part of their Duty to Involve, and DEX has management qualifications and knowledge, so is fit for purpose.
If you would like any further information about the Review, and subsequent work in developing Best Value in LEAs, please contact us.