Photo of the DDYC DEX York Trip

Join The DEX Deaf Youth Council

The DDYC is for deaf young people aged 17-30 living in the Yorkshire area


  • Meet new deaf people and make friends
  • Visit exciting places and enjoy fun events
  • Build your confidence, self-esteem and learn new skills
  • Get valuable volunteering experience and improve your CV
  • Have access to up to date information about deaf issues
  • Have the opportunity to tell the government what deaf young people need

We also have an advocacy and support service so we can help you one to one with issues such as housing, employment, benefits, health and more!

What kind of activities will i be involved with?

Regular social meetings

Get valuable volunteering experience and improve your CV

Visit exciting places and enjoy fun events

Have access to up to date information about deaf issues

Build your confidence, self-esteem and learn new skills

Have the opportunity to tell the government what deaf young people need

What do I have to do to


Are you a deaf young person aged 17-30 living in the Yorkshire area? To join, please message us below for more information or any questions.

We can’t wait to meet you!

4 + 2 =

Join The DEX Deaf Youth Council Today. Getting More Done Together.